Incubate : DICOS is the unique digital business incubator that prepare succefull entrepreneurs and startups by providing them at the first level skills for success.The incubation program aims to reach more than 5000 tech startups
Innovate: Turn practicians''Vulnerable entrepreneurs into real entrepreneurs
Connect : We aim to connect entrepreneurs, investors, executives,
engineers, academics, industry experts, and others in the technology ecosystem startup.
Provide : Specific trainings ,software management for technology startups
and initiate coworking spaces.
Implement new technology : Invest ,create and facilitate innovation in Telecommunication,Robotics,Espace,Astronomy and Renewable energy
Skills for Business Success
Start-up Capital
Market Opportunity and connectivity
*Digitalize the services while implementing new technologies
*Provide the skills for success to entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem actors.
*Connect different economic operators as entrepreneurs,start-ups, VCs, angels, investors and businessmen.
*Provide the safe background for researchers, universities, academies consultants and experts and innovators to build sustainable development.
Vocational & Entrepreneurship Trainings
Find a Mentor
DICOS Incubator LLP helps start_ups with appropriate mentorship program
Female Economic & Financial
Empowerment through Savings/Credit
We give provision of rigorous, extensive trainings
on critical vocational & job-readiness skills
(and etiquette)- which includes both
entrepreneurship & the entrepreneurial
Mobilize local farmers (particularly rural women) into savings & credit cooperatives as a means of autonomously financing small-scale income-generation and launching micro-enterprises in rural communities.
Start-up Incubation
Employment Linkage Pipeline
A job linkages program wherein youth
in the community are trained in critical
vocational skills and the connected to startups with the need & willingness to employ additional labor.